Recently, Cite founder, Joe Schell had the honor of speaking before the National Employment Lawyers Association’s Spring Seminar in Chicago, IL.
During his lecture, Joe spoke on the importance of technology in today’s courtroom, specifically highlighting how preparation is the key to success when it comes to trial technology. To elaborate on this, Joe pointed back to the first televised U.S. Presidential Debate between future Presidents John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon.
While examining this historic debate, Joe mentioned that the majority of those who watched on television believed Kennedy won the debate; however, amongst radio listeners, many believed Nixon was the clear winner.
How did this happen?
John F. Kennedy prepared to debate in front of a live television audience. Richard Nixon did not.
Prior to the debate, President Kennedy wore makeup to prepare for studio lighting, and President Nixon did not. During the debate, President Kennedy looked directly into the camera, and President Nixon did not. Ultimately, John F. Kennedy took the extra steps to ensure success in the moment, and Richard Nixon did not.
When it comes to trial technology, the same rules to success apply.
Whether technology is used in a trial, deposition, or any other legal setting, preparation is the key to success.
As a result of this, a few Cite-approved tips for trial technology have been added below…
1. Communicate early with your trial technician
As soon as possible, begin communication with your trial technician. The earlier a trial technician is made aware of an attorney’s specific needs, the more time they will have to set clients up for success.
2. Gameplan with your trial technician
When using a trial technician, view them as a crucial member of your client’s team. Presentation matters, and keeping your trial tech in the loop on how you plan to present exhibits can be very helpful in making your case flow smoothly.
3. Don’t “Nixon”
When using zoom or other video technology for trials/depositions, look into the camera as much as possible. As President Kennedy clearly knew in 1960, looking directly into the camera makes your audience feel as if you are speaking directly to them.